Listen And Learn First German Words

Kód: 9781409597728
450 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)

This book is actually an interactive sound panel with topic cards to listen to 128 German words spoken by a native speaker. Simply take one of the four topic cards out of the envelope and insert into the special frame, then press a picture to hear the word. Each of the four double-sided cards shows sixteen words from a topic such as clothes, food, or animals with colourful corresponding pictures. An engaging way for children to learn German as a first or second language.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

This book is actually an interactive sound panel with topic cards to listen to 128 German words spoken by a native speaker. Simply take one of the four topic cards out of the envelope and insert into the special frame, then press a picture to hear the word. Each of the four double-sided cards shows sixteen words from a topic such as clothes, food, or animals with colourful corresponding pictures. An engaging way for children to learn German as a first or second language.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Tematické hračky
Autor: Sam Taplin, Mairi Mackinnon
Doporučený věk: 2+
Vazba: tvrdá
Jazyk: německý, anglický
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DK Avatar autora | 25.5.2021
Knížka která pomáhá se naučit zábavně německá slovíčka. Malému se líbí ale bohužel mu občas nejde zmáčknout na dané věci. Nemá takovou sílu je mu rok a půl. Tak schováme na dyl. Ale určitě využijeme a nejen on!

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